Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 review

Usually I write a bit of a review on this blog where I look at the year and where things look like they're going but I'm not so sure about that because of the recent changes at Tumblr  where I've spent a lot of my time appealing false nsfw flags and even falsely flagging an entire Tumblr.
It may be that one might go or even ultimately both do rather like in April Googles failed social media experiment, Google + goes for good and that does reduce significantly the target audience for this blog.
Something that looks set to stay is little space as in spending time expressly as a little in time spent with friends although we're set to test drive a new venue nearer to me soon because outside of all the other  stuff with me, politics around Brexit have driven me to limit so time switched off from it is a must.
It's something that oddly enough this Christmas I spoke with my younger brother with explaining why it was I had one present and which suprisingly he agreed and said that's why he models and makes things from kits and that. 
It seems for a variety of different reasons there are a good number of people taking a step out of adult concerns and instead playing even it has a 'adult disguise'.
I even looked very much little while with him saying what I did!
Something else something I don't talk about every week here and can no longer even hint at on Tumblr was part of reason this blog exists and why until things kicked off on Tumblr, there was a brief mention of is that spanking is a part of my life and a part of how of that was connected with April's  death of Susan it came back in.
That was because as I explained in last years post on her death, it was something we both talked in very open, frank, way about long before I met some of people who have been part of my life since  and some of those who accepting my need to be spanked as a little in a non sexual parental way have without fail met that need.
I am grateful for being spanked and for the first times since high school being caned for helping me realize where I was making mistakes and certainly teaching me lessons I badly needed.

One thing is for sure in 2019 being spanked and caned is very much a certainty for me because it is having the desired effect on me apart from making me feel very much that child subject to adult authority.
In that way despite personal losses, I have come on underlining why this whole combination of age regression incorporating era specific corporal punishment is so good for me.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Edition 2018

The day is finally here and I'm out of my jim jams and into my pinafore dress and grey socks as we get to open this years presents.
The kitchen has been placed in Custardy as Mom is making custard by hand for tonight's trifle having tracked down some decorations go on top of the whipped cream while the Turkey Crown woke me up as it's smell wafted into my bedroom.
Starting this Christmas edition like last year made 'on the hoof', Elgar has always called with most my recordings being from the very late 1970's to the 1980's.
This newish acclaimed one, came out in 2016 offers two works I did not have and adds them in both stereo and surround sound in Super Audio cd quality (playable also in regular cd).
It will no doubt be treasured.

The Dandy is the always the Dandy, one a few comics I had as child and while sadly it no longer comes out weekly, it does have summer specials and this annual that stay with the original stories and indeed do even have reprints of cartoon strips from past years

One difference this year is I didn't get the Beano annual because there has been a big change in how the more traditional cartoon series have been drawn, in some such as Dennis the Menace written so he doesn't actually menace that messes up the whole backdrop to the character and a move toward so-called political correctness in the newer stories.
Instead I opted for this compilation issued to mark the 65th anniversary of Minnie The Minx  which consists of reprints of classic adventures as is which is a tribute to a heroine of mine.

I did however pick up the 2018 Christmas special edition which as 68 pages and printed more like a softback magazine.
lt fits in where I'd of had the comic editions across Christmas  where its a good example of where the comic is at today.

 Finally a new anime for me to watch in blu ray and regular dvd too.

And another but this one is just in blu ray.
This was a much talked about anthropomorphic animated film from 2016 that I had as a 'stocking filler' on Blu-Ray. I also had some money and vouchers.
We had a turkey roast for dinner and a Christmas pudding that I microwaved with cream afterward before I cleared the table and went off for a walk.
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable Christmas.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas greetings

We're getting set for Christmas here after the changes at Tumblr that meant some work on one tumblr and put paid to posting links to weekly blog entries here on it to.
I'll be taking a breaking a break from all social media unto after Christmas as there's so much ordinary stuff to do to make Christmas happen.
I'm trying an experimental tumblr knock off service that while much of the content isn't my cup of tea does at least offer a Tumblr style space to talk about being little and spanking in one spot  although the text posts don't allow for images within it like a mini blog and I could use a option not to have a recommended blog with a graphic image showing.
Different countries do have different christmas traditions and the notion of Krampus, a tradition that naughty people would not have a regular present  from Santa but say coal and spanking for their years conduct is an interesting one.
 With that I think I'll wish you all a Happy Christmas and all the best for 2019.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Last spanking week

This week will be the last full week of any spanking content on Tumblr  as after next Monday, blogs will be set to account holder only viewing and not rebloggable and no new spanking or other "nsfw" blogs will be permitted.
Equally even the tag spanking will not be accept.
So in way looking at some site this week has very much like taking a look around your town before swathes of are demolished and rebuilt.
For me this thing was a part of what was then suitable for badly behaving children that formed very much a part of your own childhood not coming from a bdsm or otherwise kink place so in some respects I feel it's miscategorized even if much commercial spanking art is from a kink setting and is.
To a point while on one tumblr it was only a tiny explanational part explaining how for me spanking comes into age regression being in the headspace an attitudes of the era I was that in, that does impact on my ability to just say how and what I am.

In that respect  feel I Tumblr is censoring me although I was and remain a fan of the opt in for access to flagged as "adult content"  system before the upcoming changes came in simply because it prevents  me from talking both past life as a child who was spanked and spanking in my life as an adult but child individual.
For me that image above is just my life then as now and while it may not be talkable at Tumblr anymore it will be here.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Tumblring down the pan

A classic cartoon strip many of us can relate to that I saved while having to adjust my Tumblr due to the upcoming ban on *any* and *all* nsfw or adult material regardless of context.
I mean it's so silly that even a  tag like "trans" can get a post flagged up now like transexual people are just about wild sex so not in front of the children rather than about being the gender you feel.
Actually spanking content isn't being flagged right now although that will go soon enough however thanks to the automatic algorithm the dear residents of Moomin Valley, the people talking about chronic pain  from conditions like MS and fibromyalgia are.
"Beware of unintended consequences" was something that was drummed into us and yet this blanket ban is leading to approaches that clearly make no sense, only likely to drive away the most creative and thoughtful people off the site leaving it fot the millionth reblog of Grumpy Cat.
Why would you create fresh material to have it flagged and have to appeal it or risk just have your tumblr wiped by a glaring false positive?
Tumblr's CEO said this would make for a better positive experience for users, all I know is how emotionally triggering this is.
He lied and needs a spanking!

*Because of, this will no longer have posted links at Tumblr and I've had to remove .

Wednesday, November 28, 2018



Today as I write this ready for publication I am taking advantage of LilJennies being away meaning Sunday's Furry Story time isn't happening this week to get on with some work.
One thing I think is worth talking over again is what we call Laziness as it effects us and the people we live and work replete with the struggles  in overcoming it.

It's a good idea to know what it is we are talking about here and the OED definition is "the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness" which suggests this isn't a physiological thing such that arise from low self-esteem or depression but more an attitude to avoid or do the least work possible.

I think it's important both as the person who is exhibiting the behaviour and also for the one who is helping you with it to know the difference between "can't" and won't".

Some start points for a won't is the belief that it is someone elses responsibility  to undertake a task such as organize an event we wish to participate in or having notice that say a person has left some litter that we shug our shoulders as if to say "I don't do it, why should I clean this up?" when we are capable of doing it and keeping the area tidy is everybody's responsibility.

For some this began and ended by end of childhood and yet we see it go on around us. Still others of us have to truthfully say we are a part of this because we tend to be lazy perhaps because nobody would dare call us out over it.

I know when I was having major issues around this and procrastination things go to the point that I had a mentor who was able to see revisiting this more from the angle of a childhood hang over  and we agreed to resort to spanking without exception me because anything that worked on verbal reasoning got fogged over and totally misunderstood.

It took several goes to get this burned into my critical faculties - that there were painful consequences  before I started to offer or act first  as a matter of course which has lead the odd lapse aside to considerable improvements in my attitudes and behaviours so for me spanking did help with it.

An area that is associated with is feeling tired that may not be laziness per se but coming more from feeling tired and so not included to want to help because we did not manage our own health issues by taking medication, getting in necessary sleep and maintaining general well being.

I know I've had issues with cutting out sleep for cyber life at night before now so I just lacked energy to do what I needed to do for me and any agreed chores and apart from scoldings I have had lines and spankings for.

Unless you've gone through this, you have no idea how you mess up your own life often for the least important things just for a obsession of that moment you couldn't leave alone.
That's why I think it's well worth revisiting this topic today.

Monday, November 26, 2018


After last weeks post, for some of you there was an important event you marked Tuesday November 22nd that is marked regardless of what else may be going on in your country.
I think actually here in the UK we're kind of remiss on not having a day of thanksgiving simply because for us as a people, society and nation-state we do have reason to be thankful for what is done for us be it by friends, your family or those in public employ who educate, look after and protect us.
Through them all we are helped on way throughout each year dealing with challenges in our lives such as lack and for some of us, ill health and disabilities that go beyond what people have to do.
Let us be thankful for all those who make our lives that much the better.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Role playing?

There are times when I do feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall  of one one them is when it is people insist this thing I write about is just a role play that I elect to play some of the time.
Now it isn't that there's anything wrong of itself with role playing someone who is younger although people do argue about how far and in what context it should be if that is what you feel (and clearly there is a need as it is being met commercially).
No, it's that for some of us it is more going back in your headspace so you are responding as if you were that child or for people like me that in reality a chunk of you is always in a child-like mode and that in effect you are an adult sized child.
Now interesting at a mainstream spanking site of all places there was a link placed to an online magazine that used a actual 1936 test for Emotional Age that people such as psychologists did use to assess the emotional maturity of people as distinct from going just by chronological age.
As it happened I did it which involved answering with a Yes or No a series of twenty-five questions based on certain scenarios, a marking scheme and a calculation to convert the marks to assessed Emotional Age.
The result I got from this was shockingly close to how I had assessed in my own head my my emotional age as I know to be very truthful I am 'immature' in certain respects and not able to function at an adult level.
The test score made me 11.3 years old.  I have maintained for a good number of years I was around  10 and not older than 12 simply because I never 'felt' older, able to carry what anyone older could and it was obvious even in childhood that was so.
Now let's go back to that assertion and again consider if I am 'age playing' here or not?
NO-what is going on is the handling by the standards more of my own era of a 'child' in effect -me- by adults who of necessity have to be parental, have to do things and set boundaries, reinforcing them strictly.
That's the goddam truth.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Seeing the overall picture.

One thing I find there tends to be rather a lot about is static, stuff that somehow just sets you off in a downward trend regardless of source which may be the tense political situations  such as that over "Brexit" here in the U.K. anything connected to President Trump without getting into any actual discourse, we all know it's about or things perhaps more closer to home such as family and related issues where no one appears to be the one to dial it back.
It's one reason while I believe in being informed about what is going on in the world, I don't make a point of checking out the news hour by hour nor spending time I could be engaged in more pleasanter personal talk discussion at length such issues.
It's also a reason for spending time away from the electrons, making a point of being switched off (cellphone in pocket for emergencies only) and spending a good hour or so in the outdoors tuning in to the more calming sounds of nature, just taking your time enjoying the good that is around us rather than the other stuff that takes the headlines and front pages.
That's the trouble I feel with this totally switched on age we're living in, we're not getting a balence that goes beyond the talk of "fake news"  into areas where all we hear is discord that then slowly starts to alter how we view things and our reactions.
That's why what I've been trying to tackle this week by spending more time out and zoning out perceptual news updates.
The news is actually there's a lot of good about.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Ghoulish Affair

This weekend last I was away for what is a highlight in littles life, parties, and in particular the Halloween one staged by a friend here in the Midlands which for me meant a short train journey after a bus ride and meeting with them as they dealt with some other business in town before picking me up.
Although compared with certain other events I attend this was comparatively short in terms of days away, obviously bringing things to literally add to the party soon takes up space so I needed a full complement of tote bags and case.
Having arrived back, the first task was to get the fire light and a brew on because three more people were staying overnight on the Friday after finding a good spot tm to put my stuff as with fourteen of us being here for Saturday and Sunday space in the front room in particular would be at a premium.
Some things I brought for Saturday's buffet  were taken out and the Pumpkin the host had brought for me saving trying to carry that on the train was paid for.
As well by prior arrangement I'd be sleeping in their so it made sense to put what I needed at hand but not in other folks way.
I sorted out my advance Christmas card pile for folk and got out my Hello Kitty white and pink plushie.
It wasn't long before the first two guests arrived which as our host was otherwise  detained I let in and by the time the last one of the day had made it it was time to get some food going.
We had a big pork chop with well cooked rind, roast potatoes from the garden which I washed for the host and Andi helped with vegetables.
The remainder of the evening was taken up with much conversation punctuated with bangs from a local firework display.
Come Saturday morning I was up fairly early in a grey jumper and wine coloured pleated skirt ready to take my pills and fix a spot of breakfast after rounding up stray cups and glasses.
 As people were coming later on, I had a few things to do of which one was to help out - it's 2018 and I'm expected to do something(!) - and that involved converting Gingerbread persons into Gingerbread Girls by decorating them.
I used eatable cake icing to add eyes, tops and skirts for them 
I made a number of variations on a theme which included one as a girl soccer player.
By about 13:00 hours most people had arrived so our Host and Andi set on making Burger with fried onion and to which another and brought salad together with sauces to add to suit your own taste.
By about 14:25 the last four guest had arrived in time for theirs.
Soon it was time for Fred and Florence's Exceeding Good Food Hunt which was a kind of treasure hunt out of doors where you had to find one item for which there was a prize which then lead to clue for the next and so on until we got to the last one where everyone had something - for me it was a caramel filled chocolate bar.
The next event was also out of doors, namely Pumpkin Carving to which several people had brought various tools to get into the pumpkin with and most of us remembered first time to save the top we'd cut out ready for the tea light to be fitted.
Finished mine looked a bit like this.
We went indoors to clean up and otherwise get ourselves ready for the cold buffet that included Pizza, pork pies (drools), salad and a home made trifle with cream.
By just after 19:00 it was time to put on warmer attire as it was time for our bonfire to be lit a safe distance from us which was a good idea as it turned a bit breezy. I had my Puma trackpants on.
It roared loudly with much crackling as people held sparklers waving them about.
Then we started our firework display oohing and aahing to the vibrant colours and sounds.
The display ended with two fireworks dedicated to members of our group who'd passed away.
After a short break it was time for the music quiz which had food connections where a tune was played and you had to guess the answer. Sammy won a cabbage for it!
The was much lively conversation until just before one in the morning when I got to bed.
I was as ever the first up and dressed this time in a green jumper - our host likes green apparently - ready to take my tablets and have a cup of tea as gradually everyone got up and about.
We had a bacon sandwich  to keep us going before we went to a gastro-pub within walking distance for a meal together before we all set off as some people had three hours or more to travel and it is a nice way to end a weekend together.
I had a turkey roast with trimmings and sticky toffee treacle with cream which arrived very efficiently given it was really busy with diners plus regular drink trade.
Upon arrival back at our hosts venue, everyone said their goodbyes before we meet again next year and Andi kindly took myself and another to the local rail station to make our ways home which for me included a taxi straight home as Sunday buses are infrequent and in any event don't run to our estate on that day.
I'd like to thank our host for a well put together party with fun events, everyone who helped out in various ways and for just being a gas to spend time with.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Reflections on Ghoulish Party weekend

While on the other blog an account of this weekends activities will be posted Monday because it takes time from arrival back to get it typed up to fit my publishing schedule  I will write a bit around how the week that included it went.
One of the first things I can honestly say was I actually got myself a workable plan together for both dealing with being away such as making sure I had my blog posts ready and also from the point of view of getting myself personally ready which hasn't always been good.
I managed to get the packing neatly done in good time in such as a way to help spread the load as I was bringing a bit more for the event than I usually did making a check list for the stuff so I could be sure I had it packed.
I also tried to do things in associated groups such as whole day changes being done in batches to lesson the chance of anything not making its way in and as ever sorting out money into that I'd need travelling with plenty of change and that I'd need later on.
I did remember to phone to let the person picking me up I was on my way and to pay attention to anything they were saying regarding any possible delays on their part.
Equally I was pretty helpful tidying up as needed, washing up without needing reminding and helping out in the kitchen.
I often struggle with following what is being said especially when theirs a lot background noise or other conversations going on but  I did manage to understand and use what was said pretty well this time.
As well this year I felt more junior than had before, going more with just being that little/middle. 
I think all over I did pretty good this time.

Monday, November 5, 2018


Well folks after the weekend I am back, with a half a day before this blog is due so where is a post I made earlier on while I was googling around as you do when I spotted this lovely poem which seamed apt for those of us whole struggle with various aspects of our lives.

Sparkle In Your Eye:

When I look at you, I see the sparkle in your eye, 
It tells me whats true and never tells a lie.
The sparkle in your eye, 
Even when you are sad, never does it cry.
Whenever it expresses its feelings, 
It tells me straight away, 
What you are stealing, 
Without doing a survey.
It tells when you'll fall, 
So I'll catch you like a ball.
It's the sparkle in your eye that says, 
You'll make it in the next couple of days.
The sparkle in your eye, 
Never, ever shall it die. 

By Ulveena Aitzaz from Lahore

Poetry was one thing I really enjoyed at school, reading learning and reciting it in front of the class, traditional European as well as Japanese styles.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

We're off!

Much of the last month or so has been a bit like this walking around the country lanes, taking in all the sounds, sights and smells of the outdoors because in a lot of way I feel I need that total experience to be at the best I can.
That's why in someway I'm not a good online buddy if you expect me to hang around  and sometimes the deficits in how I see things not least my ability to 'read' lead situations where I'm feeling very much in the headlamps, dazzled, confused and with an overriding instinct to protect myself.
I prefer more group or face to face interaction really.
It's just a couple of days before I'm off to the Ghoulish party  for a few days and back to normal but what I like about things like that is it is so much easier than managing close online relationships.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


It's been a pleasant week to be out enjoying this sunny patch in The Fall this week in the open air which I wrote a bit about on Monday because really the more time out spent out in the open the better things are.

In someways it is going back to how things before more sophisticated hobbies and trying to appear 'grown up' used to be when I'd be out  until I'd had enough or it was a meal time being active and to be honest even though I'd never been super fit, I was fitter then and that had a lot to do with it I think.

Connected with that was having spend sometime sorting out a few socks as I found a long bowed pair were no longer paired being mixed with another when I went to put them on the other morning .

Fortunately unlike normally when I end up having to buy yet another three pack of socks I found the missing ones and re-paired each one up again as at this time of year it's the long socks I need on (or thick tights).

Truthfully you cannot remove for me spanking as a actual need as a built part of this life even though I don't go on and on about here and on the marginally more groan up Tumblr because for one thing I started to have too many just interested in that and not actually in me as a whole person and also I am much more than just a canvas for spanking.

I just feel better for say being caned when I mess up compared to any amount of scolding and that so sticking that in with (having to) wear a uniform is great for me.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Fall Sightings 2018 Part 2

In what seems more like a last hurrah of spring  rather than The Fall, I've been out quite a bit this last week noticing things.

 We're getting in classic golden fall territory in our local wood withe the leaves going a coppery colour and a good number down to ground level making a colourful carpet.

Strange things having been going on as while as you can see the leaves are starting to decay actually on Saturday Afternoon they were smothered with at least three Ladybirds per leaf and indeed I had to carefully scoop one that had attached itself to me and put it on a leaf.
There were two spotted ones and the Harlequin ladybird.

The trees at the end of the  lane are starting to go go coppery as those just opposite already have

 Down at ground level you can see the leaf carpet around each trunk and to where Zee-Zee's mates were spotted running up and down the branches in a carefree way.

It's been a great week out.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Getting things together.

Dashing out from the rain here.
The week has had its own challenges such as the weather so I have tried to use time to get things organized that I am more inclined to leave until later such as Christmas stuff, odd bits I may take to an upcoming littles event and that. I was always a big putter off sort.
The subject of ties and girls uniforms continues to interest me as some feel the tie is inherently masculine and doesn't suit the developing girl while others point it being in some adult female uniforms.
I feel it can look smart on girls (and women).
To me the bigger crime is in not wearing it well, rather like this illustration where it is very loose around the neck and tied in such a way it is going way beyond her waist whereas it really needs to be at waist height and tucked in.
 Yesterday marked the 60th Anniversary of the British children's tv program Blue Peter that was very much a part of my childhood and I watched the one hour special edition.
Continuing on a bit from last week I have made the decision to close my littles Google + account because it was seldom used  having little going on in the feed.
It was set up more at the bequest of a person no longer in my life who had a host of issues that lead to much stepping over boundaries such as attempt to have  exclusive access, going through manic cycles where they'd post really hurtful vile comments and in any event removed much of their posts including my replies.
As all are to be removed by August next year that one might as well go as there is nothing I want from it. 
I think the way I am just being more decisive and pro-active now has shown the fruit of having one to one tuition and being subject to very much junior discipline to retrain me to make better choices and be more assertive.

Monday, October 15, 2018

A spot of colouring

The weekend was not particularly conducive to going out with strong winds on Friday so with even bigger and strong people than myself struggling I needed to stay indoors which as you probably aware isn't something I like at all, being an outdoor girl.
One thing you can do when it is like this is colour and so I had my colouring book out on Friday.
 Normally when I colour I use Staedtler colour pencils available in the Noris Club 36 colour pack as they respond well to different pressures for shading and don't easily break in the way some cheaper ones found in convenience stores do
They also sharpen well.
That illustration is from the Jacqueline Wilson Colouring Book published by Penguin UK and illustrated by Nick Sharratt who does the drawings in her stories.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The past moves as you go forward

On Monday October 8th, buried in a document around Google and Security written in very much positive language it was announced Google + was to be "Sunsetted" and by August 2019 gone.
When you strip it of that California Lab Talk, it means the service is to close but in an orderly way with it going on to say ways of saving and reusing content you created would be offered in time so no one would lose anything by that point.
The service began in 2011 originally on a invite only basis and I was able to get one via connections to a forum and this coincided with a group other people saying they wished to break from Facebook however they soon left it for the Facebook freebees.
So much for principals.
Instead ironically it became a anime/littles/lgbtqi friendly spot I shared with others posts, promoted my blog on, at the time played Candy Crush and other games onboard that site.
A kind of a playground for little me although initially  much of that happened on the slightly more grown up account I'd created for that other group

Part of the reason that was possible while in other context that would be outing yourself as a little was down to circles which in the original form were like the above screen shot.
You made sets for specific groups and of themselves you could have any posts you made would only go to that Circle and no others unless you added other circles in or chose Public.
I could therefor send littles stuff groups of the like minded knowing the group who'd asked me to join wouldn't have to deal with posts by little me as they'd never see them.
It had a rapid take off but by around 2014 a good number of games had left and it was a poor third to Facebook and Tumblr.
This had lead to a redesign as a more pininterest like Communities push with people making community groups and joining and I made one on the original more groan up account but noticed even that started to lag when came to participation.
An API security breach affecting 500,000 users potentially in March this year lead to a review and sober heads decided it wasn't worth throwing a lot of resource at it trying to prevent this for the low usage.
In so far as my blog(s) go I'll put posts on each to cover, they are covered by RSS, Tumblr and certain sites to encourage people to bookmark/follow as that fulfils much of the function of posting blog links on a per week basis.
I haven't used it to post anything much for a good year or so so in some respects I had come to expect this decision but as it was a part of the path of my littlespace  I do feel a bit emotional over it.
It was after all until I joined Tumblr, my home.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Fall sightings 2018

This week in the crazy world of me we actually go outside at the start of the Fall where within a built up area you actually get to see things you'd normally have to go a bit beyond down the country lanes for.
 I wouldn't go mentioning requiring a new jumper in the presence of these two as they may well Baa you out within seconds. They're within a hundred yards of a community centre but it doesn't feel like it.

 If anyone ever accused these two of horsing about they'd have quite answer to that as I careful supported the camera with the lens set at 105mm in uneven light and later on adjusted the exposure a little.
It was around here I once almost lost a camera bag to curious horses!

 There's nothing like crisp leaves and sunlight although I used to cheat in the old days armed with the Olympus OM4 and use the TTL flash with a warm up filter sometimes to get the kind of golden colour cast I like.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Random Wednesday round up

 This week I am supposed to be undertaking an activity but the part that I have hasn't arrived here of late so instead I'm trying to get other things done so I can accommodate that as soon as it arrives and that includes writing this.

Monday saw the death of Geoffrey Hayes who was the parental adult figure on the commercial ITV Network show Rainbow from 1974 through 1992 keeping Zippy,George and Bungle in order  which was supposed to be for pre-schoolers but many of us who watched were older catching it at Lunchtimes in an era most of us didn't  didn't have video recorders.
The show had segments and one was Rod, Freddy and Jane's folk music slot which was enjoyable to listen too and matched the folk revival in the adult world in the 70's.

I did get out Sunday even though it was drizzling for a walk whereupon I came by his nutkins  playing on the ground where someone had tossed a golden yellow corn cob before clambering up into a tree as I stood looking on in awe of his speed and agility.
Earlier on  I saw the sheep in the freeholding here as the leaves are beginning to fall even if we haven moved into that delightful colour phase of the fall as yet.

Talking of trees we have had some more work on tidying up some of our trees and bushes that had rather taken over parts of our garden during the summer although one side of this is it has exposed a problem in Grumpy's domain, namely one shed roof as partially fell in!
Although I can easily think of a temporary fix until he replaces it which to be honest is what needs apart from a pruning of contents, that's his problem not mine.
I'd sooner sit here and listen to my new cds and have fun than worry my little head over that!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

In and out time

The weekend didn't have the best of starts because at a music site I frequent a seemingly throw away comment by one followed by a quotation from an interview lead to a situation where one person appeared to question the use of the phrase "To dabble" and then having explained that phrases meaning without making any kind of comment on the subject, I am subject to a personal attack supported by two others.
It was a text book situation where rather than discussing the subject, the person just goes for a personal attack.
I just decided to type back a short response to clarify I only posted explain the terms, no comment made on the subject and that was it. I could easily of said a whole lot more but thought better of it.
I woke up the Sunday morning to see a Alert tag on the site that usually says of someone has responded with a like or a reply to some post or other and when clicking on it found it was a note to say my post had gone due to this attack being reported with it plus all the discourse deleted.
I have been this week out for walks where it has been cooler than at the start of the month  but fresher which wakes it more enjoyable and the temperature at around 14 degrees C pleasant enough to be out just a thin waterproof walking jacket over a t shirt as I'm fairly warm blooded and soon get start generating heat when exercising.
I notice three sheep in the smallholding looking quite contempt grazing on the grass too which after everything else was a pleasant sight.
Sometimes I think the outdoors is better.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Back in time

A warm start to the week on the other blog after the usual discourse around different groups on Tumblr saying "If you're a friend of theirs, you can't be a friend of mine" and "if you don't join us you're a nobody who won't be allowed to go nowhere" that can get tiring.
In dealing with that and blogs listed as disrepecting others wishes blocking them, I spotted something that was rather good.
Sadly lacking original artist credits, this illustration is charming in its child-like state suggesting to me they were clearly in a regressed state of mind at the time as the writing is very much of the 'child within' lacking any adult sophistication.
That to me is very much what this thing is about whatever props we may use and however we may present-getting back to that childhood state, enjoying the moment without an adult care in the world.
In her world the teddy bears are going for a walk hand in hand caring and looking out for each other, her response to them will be that of a child.
That is why protecting littles is a very important thing because when we are in that state our adult guard isn't around so we don't do 'adult' things  and any Caregiver shouldn't push them on you.
Boundaries DO matter.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Read and in uniform

The weather is a bit better than it had been from the start of this week so I start with saying the last few entries that have been a little different from the the norm on this blog have been fairly well received.
I have been continuing with refreshing some items of my uniform although in certain  others areas I'm well stocked adding a  few replacement blouses and a green jumper to it.
 As most people know I usually look very much like her never happier to be wearing our school dresses although I dare say if I were to accidentally cause the netball to land though Miss Green's window I may well know it for a while!
Seeing it is early September I have been working my though some past stuff connected with roles and courses I've had that were very much paperwork heavy  tidying things up as there comes a point where most of that is no longer needed it just takes up unnecessary space with notes, bulky folders and so on.
As well, I also got around to reading Little Women although I'd had it for a while which is a timeless coming of age story of the four March sisters set in the post Civil War period in the States as though through childhood to adulthood, helped by their mother learning to navigate what it means to be a young woman from sibling rivalry to love, loss and marriage.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Domestic skills and the girl

It has been a damp start to the week here back at the Dorm which if you're about and on foot as I was bringing bread and that back from the stores  you'd soon notice and in a way that connects to this post and a previous one Gender Spaces. on the other blog.
Sometimes it seems to me, a good few decades of life on earth on somehow we get ourselves lost for all the very best reasons conflicting two things.
Whatever we may feel people should be able to decide fits into their own idea of gender roles, there is much to be said for spending time with the parent of the same gender because it enables them to share with you their own experiences, such as what being a girl is about because actually they've lived it and so have valuable lessons.
No amount of equality training can replace that.
It is the most natural instinct in any society for you as a child to emulate the parent of the same gender as yourself and to spend time with them and for girls that can mean making or buying similar outfits. Most of us actually enjoyed this before the gender studies people came along and said we shouldn't do this. 
Strangely enough at six or seven we do want to be a gender!
We get things wrong when we start to object to the idea a girl shouldn't be expected to learn about cooking and instead elevate the physical and academic over it not because she shouldn't learn these things too but because we fail to ensure boys are also taught and expected to help out in the home too.
Because we don't, we try to protect her by ensuring she can't be taken advantage of by saying it's not her role. The problem is we all need to this for ourselves and that includes her as well as her male siblings and so teaching nobody doesn't help. Cooking is a skill boys need too.
As many a student can recall, next to paying for food, getting the laundry done efficiently matters if everybody isn't to be suffering from stale smelling clothes so there is nothing wrong with showing your daughter how to and even having her help as some of it is bound to be hers.
The problem here is because we're so hung up about sexism and roles we start to say she shouldn't be cos it's sexist. What is sexist is not having her brother do the same, carrying some domestic 'weight' in the household and she needs to see females insisting on it.

To me in trying to fight sexism and the notion it's a females role to run the household exclusively we seem to have devalued that which just needs doing without tackling the core issue:
Putting contributing to the smooth running of the household into core responsibility of boys and men.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Paired walking edition

As is becoming frequently an occurrence on my blogs, I'm beginning by saying this post isn't being posted either in Chrome when I use the Chromebook or Pale Moon like now when I'm using my old but trusty Dell Windows Laptop  in Firefox because the browser  Pale Moon has become so unstable I cannot work efficiently with it  and Google together with Tumblr are the most effected by its tendency to lock up and go unresponsive.
When I wrote this it had been the first time since being ill I had walked along the same route as I used to take going along country roads, passing commons, clearings and yes farms and that was just over a month ago on turned out to be a pleasant late summerish day with temperatures around 23 degrees and bright sunshine.
One could notice already the beginnings of the fall as a few groups of trees had started to move toward a reddish hue although not yet  the classic oxide orangey red colour with the crispness one sees during the fall.
It felt good to pause for several minutes reflecting on the beauty around you and indeed you are actually here to appreciate it after all that happened.
Another thing I did as I felt a bit better was to go through my sock draw.
When we buy socks, they come in  pairs like our legs which go in them but for some strange reason it doesn't take much to unpair them to the point you have several odd socks so I have been going through them all methodically checking and pairing them up.
The odd ones then can be checked by a pile of odd socks near the drier for any that do match.
It also is an opportunity to remove any worn or otherwise not fitting pairs of socks while I'm about for recycling as I have been going through some of my older clothes recently.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Gender Spaces

Another week and one update to Pale Moon and that still hasn't cured the browser of freezing over so we're still in Firefox which as much as I don't like the interface does work very well.
Spaces are a contentious issue as anyone on Tumblr knows only too well and some of that also applies into off line life too as well as what people do when we allow them into our own.
One area I think worth talking about is gender spaces where yes most of us say people should be free to mix with whoever they want, take part in activities together and not be barred from an activity just because of their gender. 
This you might think is the end product of decades of arguments won when it comes to equal opportunities and as such the very last word but today it's not.
Unlike perhaps a few of you I've been in the work place and it isn't uncommon for female employees to actually have their own social groups that they keep to just women going out together or spending time at each others places.
Even in 2018 here in Great Britain there are Universities that only accept women being founded expressly for female higher education and women have voted to keep them that way because they prefer a all female ethos and under English Law at at least a private members club can be all female only too.
Part of the argument is it is nice to have a place just to talk and share things with without men around who as nice as they are would  change the feel by just being there and maybe inhibit conversations people needed.
There is a chunk of me that goes with that, indeed in my area Secondary Education is organized on gender lines unless you go out of town because that's what people here prefer feeling it's less distracting to study and children do better academically with girls feeling more able to show an interest in things like the sciences not trying to be a 'bimbo' or letting the boys take a dominate role and boys more able to express feeling in say both English's without feeling either a 'nerd'  or a 'sissy''.
If you accept the idea that some spaces should be able to be gendered if females wish, then we have to bear in mind we cannot then object if boys and men may also prefer a few   themselves to kept that way such as men's clubs where they may socialize and talk about things that wouldn't happen if a women was there.
That's different than arguing that say a woman shouldn't be allowed to a sports club that runs competitions such as golf clubs where teams are mixed.
Perhaps more give and take on gender spaces rather than battle cries might better suit our needs?

A Mars Bar is can be claimed for anyone spotting the typo in the illustration. 😁

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dripping wednesday

We're still in Firefox here as Pale Moon is still playing up on its 32 bit version this week but anyway back to business .
 While it's not quite fall yet, it isn't the last days of summer either with temperatures  being lower and yes it is raining quite hard as I type this having been out delivering  Newsletters this week that thankfully came earlier than they needed to as usually its a rush job.
Thus my coat is drying in two halves, the main coat near the radiator for all over heating and the detachable furry hood right by my gas fire being turned around frequently as it takes absolutely ages to dry out otherwise.
Holding an umbrella with a bit of a breeze while carrying a bag with another hand posting the newsletters through peoples letter boxes isn't the easiest of things even if you have super co-ordination which I sure don't.
I still haven't had an appointment for a blood pressure results consulation where it should be detirmined if I need to take medication typically tablets to reduce it or not. 
To be honest I'd just sooner take something and be done cos I know it runs above the norm and given I get things like miagraines apart from be anxious that are likely to raise it above that when I'm going through them which must put additional pressure on my heart and that.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Check and replace edition

Here we are on a August Bank Holiday over here having to use Firefox as Pale Moon, the browser of choice on my ageing Windows 7 laptop is having stability issues and and so I am waiting for a major bug removing update for it as it is not reliable enough for blogging.
Today I have been out for a walk and across this week I have been  sorting through my old clothes especially woollens for winter between those that simply need to go due to wear and tear like holes in elbows and those that just need a wash and airing out.
One thing I did do was replace a sweatshirt I have had for a number of years for another with slightly longer arms in it apart from obviously being new in better condition that I tend to wear  with my grey and green pleated skirts.
As well I did toss out some old ankle socks for new longer black ones as they were showing signs of wear in the toes and heel.
Think Ill just rest now and relax. Roll on September!