Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Thoughts on Years End, 2020

While I normally have an idea for what end of year posts are like on my other blogs, this one for some strange reason never has one so like last years post could really of been any day of the weeks and sometimes I write something more like on my other blogs.

Really this blog is about a number of things rolled into one but they all start from a baseline that I've been restored, perhaps more accurately never left, the mindset of the schoolgirl very much of and in her time.

In a way that may be hard for the younger woman to understand, there was less of a difference between the world of the nineteen thirties to fifties to that of my own era as while some things had changed and the world was changing, much would not until the internet, electronic gaming and the smartphone took hold in the two-thousands.

Our world was simpler, we were less 'adult' in our teens, still playing using our imagination and making things.

A world of that, Enid Blyton, authors who wrote girls school and pony stories coupled with the sheer bliss of wearing a traditional pinafore dress for a variety of reasons touched on here and on the other blogs works out so well.

In fact with the messy messed up Covid world now you could say that really was more of help to me than much else although another side of that still in as schoolgirl mindset and headspace is I'm impulsive and easily lash out.

Having reliable adult authorities around to help dissuade me  usually helps and normally I'd spend time with them for some tuition in everyday skills and remedial Maths and English as much as them dealing there and then with any issues with old school spanking that was in my childhood not that it was requirement so much of a rerun of the "If you stay at your cousins, they treat you as one of theirs", keeping me on my toes.

Covid did put a stop to that although I hope next year it can resume as old school parenting with spanking does help me be the best me I can, done with love.

For me it's never been about d/s kink stuff coming from a regressed past rather than play acting a scene.

Here's to a better pinafored and glowing New Year.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas edition


It's nearly Christmas so I'm gonna be be busy helping out so apart from having plenty of time to practise assuming the position in case it's needed coupled with a bag of coal we will be closed until after Christmas.

Happy Christmas and wishing you all a glowing New Year!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Accidents or just carelessness?

We are approaching Christmas which is where I tend to take a break from blogging at various sites and on here simply because there are plenty of things that need to be done before Christmas Day and that eats into the time.

Time and its usage has to have been an honest issue with me for years as for one thing I tend to get easily distracted and drawn into things other than what I originally intended to do that really could wait and on others it's been too easy to let someone else do something that I could of done that would of helped them out.

I wrote a few years back about spillages and breakages because all too often in the past they were ignored and excused because I am more prone to them being un-coordinated.

That rather ignored such things like I need to learn to do things in a more slower, careful way, that by doing that I put myself and anyone passing at risk of injury and that breakages that are the result of carelessness are not accidents and require me to be given consequences and made to put them right.

Spanking me firmly on the spot does help to get that over, to think first before doing things and has helped together with talking about how I can do better sharing tips and examples.

Just shrugging the shoulders doesn't really help.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday ramblings

While the countdown continues toward Christmas following some discussion at FA I thought I'd set down my thoughts.

Everyone does this thing different which can make co-existing on some sites problematic because you can fall between two stools.

Fundamentally I am very much a age regressor, a person who goes back to the time and in real time instincts of my childhood a girl who plays and goes to school where things evolve through just being in of that state of mind in real time with no script, no discussion of what any *scene* might include.

School may not for obvious reasons be a actual school but would involve real studying with lessons being taught  and as I'm in England the wearing of a uniform cos practically all children wear on to school that is proscribed for you.

It's a totally fetish free, non sexual non bdsm thing with no power exchange suited for those of us who developmentally are more like children and do have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by predatory adults. 

What can complicate it I am the product emotionally of the era of cp in the home and at school where that was just part of childhood, it didn't have the bdsm connections people assume today - it was often the go to discipline we had.

Because of that, spanking can feature if by the standards of that era it is what you'd of been given - not pre-arranged or asked for in advance just cleared in case its needed so consent is there.

That additional element tilts things as some adult site won't take the whole "as a child" side with spanking as they see that as adult content (and I was spanked from early childhood so for me its anything but) while more minor friendly site understandably don't want any content of that sort not least when official attitudes have changed and it may be illegal for it to be used today.  

For me then it's age regression with the spanking of my childhood included.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

From how I see it

Our attitudes and behaviours for some of us are things that we do struggle with that can be in an age regressed setting, within age playing scenarios and for some more in the everyday adult world.

For some of us situations that might be irritants for others become overwhelming that either we try to control others to control how their behaviours affect us or we ourselves project our emotions through lashing out at them.

The problem with those approaches is they ignore the everyday social boundaries by flipping the attention those things that you cannot control which only amplifies our reactions.

It is really ourselves that we alone can control adequately if we put our minds to it that really is the more fruitful approach to take and sometimes we see things in a very different way than others might.

There are times with me it has to come out before I really start paying attention to sorting out my behaviour.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Future arrivals

I don't know if we'll ever see this outside but there is always something approaching the feel of camaraderie whenever we are together having fun together and yes if you hadn't worked it out I do look rather more like the girl of far left even if I'd happily lose a couple of inches in height.

You see unless you have actually spent time as a little or middle then as much as I'm of fan of online groups and clubs you are missing that face to face interaction with other age regressors being in effect children together playing with the spontaneity that brings, recreating that time and space when that was all that mattered.

Everybody's 'day' is bound to be different, we played with differing things, watch different things on tv and with the exception of "Smartphone culture", the thing is they have more in common with each other than you might think.
That means however 'old' in terms of birth certificate age  you might be you're all around the same level which makes sense as childhood and from that childhood revisited is a space a person from a level of social, emotional, physical and intellectual development resides and that is how it is with me.

Being in with others is what I love the most and where god willing we'll be next year when this pandemic can be laid to rest.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Learning your lessons the hard way



The kind of scenario every adult little girl can relate to as she is very much put in her place.

*Done in Opera Browser

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Covid and I

Within the last couple of weeks, there's been a number of things that normally would of happened such as going to friends for a Halloween party bash for littles where we can play, make things like lanterns and finish off with a big bonfire that haven't happened thanks to covid that took out summer LG camp for good measure.

It may not of helped with us going into Lockdown 2.0 again on November 5th in England but even if we'd of stayed within the tier system, the venue was in a Teir 2 high one as all of Staffordshire and my district was so meeting up in houses overnight was out of the question.

I am struggling pretty much with this pandemic - I'll admit it - with the uncertainty about when and even if it will be over anytime soon, frequent rule changes and changed routines in the shops and even in travelling.

One example of how much even the mundane has changed is on two occasions of getting things on Ebay, I've had messages to say the people were now self isolating so there would be delays until they were better before things could be posted out.

Then there was a major outbreak in one sorting office nearby that resulted in industrial action delaying mail.

Then one relative contracts covid from working in a Care Home but is recovering and then only this Saturday I am phoned to say my Aunt is in bed laid up with it too.

Thus you really begin to wonder when it is gonna end. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Remaking the past

As I remarked several posts ago to be mentally in the space of a schoolgirl isn't to say you permanently just do lessons and wear school attire such as a formal school uniform all day long because in that life you had other things too.

It's an element of the whole adult schoolgirl thing that does put me off in someways because while to them there's the fantasy element it's neither based on the whole reality of that time and for me it's that having age dysphoria I am that child still whatever my birth age may say.

For me then outside of things like formal uniform when doing lessons or 'in your best' with a caregiver wearing more casual attire like shorter skirts  such as skater skirts but with knee and ankle socks rather than tights in the way that you did back then makes more sense.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Having the right to be the ALG you are


One thing that does rather hack me off is the tendency of some LG's to push frilly dresses and skirts as the only way to be an adult little girl to the point that sometimes they just let up trying to get you into them.

Not every girl even when officially young, is really into frills or for that matter into dresses either because they simply don't see them as them or because they are more active in play and so like to wear dungarees or shorts not least in mixed company.

To me as that adult little girl it is just the same and I like to wear shorts not least if I'm out walking cos it's more practical but from time to time one of them will really press me on it and yet we all know actual biogirls who don't and to whom it's just accepted.

Just what is the problem???

It's Halloween soon and so I'm just ready for it having had more than enough of this Covid business.

We need FUN!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dealing with Age Dysphoria for me

After last weeks talking about the current health emergency we return to an important part of what this blog is about.

Although I've travelled certainly from early days of finding CG/l on tumblr, getting to know people in it in person, to the formation of age regression communities as it became obvious the start point of CG/l wasn't where I was from even if some elements within the lifestyle did fit, even truthfully it seems age regression isn't really the right term for where I am act and I do feel Age Dysphoria is more accurate because it is about being permanently that child 'in the head' rather than regressing back to it.

For me a part of being that eternal child is around seeing them in the mirror so how I look as a child does align with the child I am to reduce the dysphoria between how I am and being seen as a adult which I'm not (other than law saying I am).

Thus for me dressing more in the manner of a girl of my era does come into it so I do wear simple girls dresses made from gingham, pinafore dresses as beloved of schoolgirls back then as well as skirts or for playing in, shorts which can be less revealing in mixed company.

As far as is practical given personal needs stepping out of the adult arena really is a must.

The way I'm handled too needs an approach more from that past such as standing in the corner in silence to encourage me to think about my actions rather than anything that might happen in an adult setting because from the inside I am child first and always.

The combination of the two would look more like this.

Simple sanctions from my era apart from stopping any actions dead in their tracks also take me out of any adult zone so to be a space with your favourite unicorn for company in the corner, possibly facing a spanking is really right, the very thing we had then and nothing to do with adult kinks.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Going back down to the start

 It's been a week of decisions of sorts  most of which ties into things we have talked about on here before one being this pandemic.

It is hard to believe we were only about two months ago pushing for getting people back into offices and allowing this years 18 year olds start their university degree courses mainly on campus and yet this week much of this is upside down.

It seems to me as if we're playing a big game of snakes and ladders as allow both of things seems to have upped infection rates to the point we're going back down the ladder to quite severe restrictions in some instances.

Liverpool and surrounding areas are set to be on lockdown in all but name just as we were at the beginning where I am on the High medium level tier unable to have anyone come see me at home, supposed to avoid peak time travel and unable to sit at a table in restaurant with a family member.

Actually there is very little covid here at all because by a quirk of political map drawing we are drawn in on a map that has the top part next to a area that has a high infection rate next to a major city while ignoring the fact this is part of another city's travel to work area where it is very low where we shop, work and socialize.

This means that even if the Halloween Party and Bonfire had gone ahead which the organizer of had announced had been cancelled, I could not of stayed indoors there.

Their county is exempt from any special measures unlike mine even though two out of three districts neighbouring it are on the same middle High tier as I am which goes to show the flaw in this approach - they are not going by where people live, work, shop and socialize only the political units that have different reasons for being lumped together usually based on petty political battles between individual towns.

Thus I can rule out having any family members come see me at Christmas and seeing my friends this side of 2021 and even then some are saying this will last until June of that year.

I think we'd of all gone stark staring bonkers with massive amounts of anxiety and mental health issues by then not least from people facing losing jobs and homes.

Covid is serious but not the only major issue we're facing.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Guides for Jo?

There are times when I tend to think about the "what ifs" as much as I hold with not having regrets about how life has turned out over the years.

Within this life there is the eternal schoolgirl, the one as this blog puts it is in "Jo's Dorm" but as a chance overheard conversion with some schoolboys earlier on in this lockdown remarked as they went they had more in that label.

For me the act of presenting as the forever schoolgirl Jo has involved a lot of things such as wearing school uniform, doing some actual studying and being subject to the kind of school discipline of my era.

I do feel though that as they boys said about themselves there's more in those identities like the interests you have and it's not of you are always a child - some use the term Age Dysphoria" to describe it  - the case it's all school.

I think something like a form of Girl Guides experience given obviously it could never be with their official organisation with the activities, oversight and uniform with in a week would be something I would look forward to, working to similar goals.

With me it's never been about just the academic, just being an autistic girl means you find social interaction awkward and the associated things make following instructions difficult so a mixture of outdoor stuff, practical activities and some life skills  based around past programs.

Given the Brown Owl of my era could smack then there's no reason for me while with someone who was being her not to use it the odd time rather as a few are wont to do just to use things like school or guides as theme for spanking role play in ways they just were not in that era.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Things the muggles don't say about Covid


Covid has made many things different such as meeting up with other littles with the event for early November more or less off although I suspect the person who is organizing it doesn't wish for that that so much they haven't formally said it.

There are others who haven't been able to get to things such as schools for adult littles to go back in time, learn and play with the structures they were brought up in and others who find the anxiety around it with perpetual changes in rules and routines so difficult to cope with that you are wound up, prone to lashing out they feel the need for adults to spank them as it's the only way to keep control.

But of course the rules around Covid have meant many of us haven't been able to go to the adults we normally would who'd do this for us not least here with swaths of the country subject to no person outside your household being allowed indoor contact with another.

I could really use a good firm bare bottom spanking right now.. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Round up


Bit of a round up this week.

Feeling better for the anti biotics even if it messed my tummy up somewhat is what I'm working on stabilizing it.

One reason I like to use chat services when I am well is for the opportunity to have play in a virtual playground where we can internet versions of 'tag', engage in very much regressed child-like conversations of the sort that would be easy to do when physically together.

I love to go to LG Camp but sadly covid caused this July's to be cancelled, we have bookings for next year but we don't really know how that's going to play out given the current guidance and it's very possible the Halloween/Guy Fawkes Night meeting may well be off due to same restrictions.

Thus having a spot where you can do that virtual online would be ideal but sadly one person decided to let off a very political rant around the government which really took me out of that child-like mindset that just want to play games, crack playground jokes and just let my inner twelve year child out just playing the way we did.

And that's the thing, we have spaces for groan up talk and we'd never even as grown up bring up politics at a garden party as it's just not the right place and as junior or early years high school children playing out we'd never even consider it as while we know what's on the news that's not our world.

We just play with each other without any consider of who our parents supported or repeating their views and that was what I wanted and could not get in for littles last night.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Are you paying attention?

 It remains a weird old world beyond this blog.

This blog like the other is showing signs of being affected by events simply because a part of this life that I normally write about is on indefinite hold cos you can't meet up with anyone who isn't a part of your own household as as I need round the clock care I need to live with someone who provides that as much as the other chunk comes in though other people in my life on the littles/cp side.

That whole approach to it from the way you are physically as well as psychologically handled  when I cross lines comes in from them and when with the amount of mental stress around currently you do get to the point of lashing out say, I do miss being put back forcible in my place as a adult child.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

August bank holiday weekend edition

This weekend over here is what is August Bank Holiday, traditionally the week  before you returned to school where people may spend a day or so at the seaside or be on a late summer vacation taking in fresh air and sun.
So hardly any surprise  my thoughts are elsewhere as type today's post, the second but last of the month where I talked about being away, and what I and this blog is about  taking in the odd interest.
I have been enjoying Sunday's Storytime hosted by a long term friend where stories are read aloud from books and E-books with the images shared in a audio-visual stream as children's literature especially Girls Own plays a part within my regression and so I do talk about it like last week on this blog
There have been continuing developments on and around Tumblr that I do wish to address of which the first is my number of followers has increased which was hardly solicited and is considerably  more than the period around the end of last year that saw a some folks go.

While I take no satisfaction from it, I think the fact I have been able not only to equal but exceed what it was at that point shows the way in which both I age regress and am respectful of other peoples limits within theirs has a respect that transcends labels and what certain communities would have you believe.

It is less about the label, it's really more about your own standards and respect for the boundaries  of other individuals who share in age regression although I am grateful for the opportunity given by my community for the opportunity to make a fresh start based on principles that both match and also respect mine.

Another thing I will mention is I do intend to reduce the blog cycle down from weekly as in the last few months I have been unwell for several days at a time and I need all the time I can get to recover from severe migraines that leave me messed up mentally for a few days afterward.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

More G.O.* fiction

I've not been too brilliant this week with one thing or another, not the sort of thing that benefit from "localized heating" not that mind that when it's needed but more bigger things being unwell so between things have been doing a spot of reading as it helps keep my spirits up.

With the Secret Seven's stories I had changed from a mixture of newer copies and old paperbacks to being in hard back editions with original texts over the years as the alterations made no sense.
This lesser known author wrote Jill At Hazelmere in nineteen sixty-four and Jill Investigates both borrowing from the Girl comic strip series Wendy and Jinx school based adventures where both are Forth Formers.

It's the very sort of book I love and actually it's the first time I've owned a copy - mine's from nineteen sixty-six  although I'm sure saw a copy at boarding school in the Seventies.

Sadly the Girls Comic site which had extracts from many British girls comics including Girl that was published between nineteen fifty-one and nineteen sixty-four has disappeared as has the site where mainly older  junior fiction was discussed.

Trying to find a G.O* or mainly G.O discussion board where such staples of the junior fiction I read back then is proving difficult.

*G.O = Girls Only, the very girl centric type of novel or comic writing usually about schools, horses and princesses.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Introducing Sara

I don't know about you, but I find nature quite fascinating although it requires a certain amount of patience to spot certain creatures and then to make out exactly what they are doing which makes living very close to a wood ideal.
That's where I've been hanging out since schools been out and lockdown in various forms has been in since March 20th seeing interspecies competition and indeed on the way there yesterday afternoon I saw at least five red admiral's on the flowers enroute.
Well she wasn't quite one of them,eh? That said her nemesis often can be spotted around our garden dining out on slugs and left over cat meat although my last cat used to try batting them as if was a game of baseball!
This plushies is a Kimberley's Originals being numbered  and was distributed by A&A Plush Inc of California and is called "Sara-Ann" that I've had for a while and usually lives to my compact discs on a shelf.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Rent a Bridesmaid

Recently I picked up a copy of book I'd thought about getting late last year but as things are want to do with me at times I'd forgotten all about it, bought a copy  and sat across a few days reading it.

The story is about a nine year old girl, Tilly who can scarcely believe it when her best friend and class mate, Matty, is offered the role of being a bridesmaid for she is as much a tomboy as Tilly is more girly girl and really wasn't looking forward to it.
Tilly's parents had split up and the dress is very much the focus of Tilly's longing for her parents to be reunited as she missed no longer living with Mom.
After her friend had worn it and it had been cleaned, Matty offers her the dress as she could never see herself ever wearing it again and this leads into Tilly's favourite daydream of being a bridesmaid in the must beautiful dress, walking behind the bride and after talking it through with her best friend resolves to sort this by advertising herself as a Bridesmaid for rent at the local store.

This is the dress and most beautiful it is too.
The dress leads to her meeting different people such as an older couple, a same sex couple of professional people and a family who had planned a large church wedding with five other bridesmaids, all of which enrich her life.
The one thing sadly all of this cannot do is the very thing she longs for the most -to reunite her family- so when her Mom who it transpires later on hadn't been well mentally does come to see her after Tilly appears on a tv program about weddings, her hopes are dashed .
This said there does seem to be a relationship blossoming between Miss Hope her teacher and her dad and maybe if there's to be a sequel Tilly will be the bridesmaid at that wedding!
One of things I liked about it was the exploration  of the friendship between Matty and Tilly, that although being in so many ways polar opposites not just their personalities but lifestyles and that despite this they really do gel, becoming best friends. That comes over so well in how it is written showing how disagreements that for those of who remember just high emotional we were around their ages soon get minded with some tlc.
To conclude although on the face of it it's a relatively uncomplicated story about a girl and her dress it has more depth exploring the nature of friendship you can see at a more grown up level very intensely heartfelt and emotional coming over through intelligent use of subtle nuances of mood and character. It is a great joy to read.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Regressed thoughts

Once upon a time, would of been around January 2015 I had a Tumblr having been there for a couple of years and found the regressive and caregiver/little communities of the that time, realizing really this is what I'm about and always had a clear need for.
It just arises from within me because I have this rather more child-like mind that's always around which is often good cos unlike a person who who may of lost having more of an adult sense of self, to be blunt, I never had it.
So it's not a bad thing at all for me.

The thing is like a good number of us I have the other side of this thing as part of the whole who gets into stompy rants, lashes out and gets into grandstanding displays of defiance.

That's when I started The Woodshed tumblr as I started to realize there was a missing half from the regression and having a need for a caregiver.

I had realized I needed that caregiver and ideally other trusted adults to step back in with firm lecturing to remind me of where I was and how I should be acting.
But that wasn't all.
There are so many times I feet this is how I wanted to be treated.

I have still the need to be corrected as a child, not helped by not being corrected sufficiently that I have no still idea of how to behave at times.
It appeared I wasn't alone in that and actually I wanted old fashioned paternalistic spanking because it could break my cycles of defiance and not listening and a warm smarting bottom helped me pay attention and co-operate with them to help me behave.
I'm thankful for this as I'm a lot calmer and more in control of my feelings than I was way back then.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The way it all goes post

It's been a jolly wet start to the week from Saturday, Sunday which was pretty decent to the depths of Monday when it rained all day on and off sometimes really heavily which really brings out the easily lashing side of me.
It's writing about that in conjunction with stuff about the other bits of my life what keeps this blog real! 

This life has reversals in for a reason so having a uniform to wear or if had to be anywhere to change into is one facet of my life from which all other things run from as we no longer have things running from a adult setting.

I love comic strips, always did but there's a lot of me in her fighting authority every inch and yet deep down craving it so as much as you feel like saying "You Beast" or something stonger, actually your glad to be under his control.

She may get away with wearing jeans but I'm in pinafore dresses and skirts, very the little miss who is reminded of why she needs handling this way, feeling better for everything such a life entails as unpleasant as the reminder is.

You'd never change it for anything else.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Fashion Musings

Cute need not be all frills or dresses whatever you might see at various places or be told and particularly in littles circles either as actual bio-kid girls aren't and don't.
Take these jeans for example. Denim for instance is usually seen more 'boyish' material no doubt for being made into the jeans that boys and men in the frontierlands worked in for its hard wearing qualities.
But actually these are so cute that they go even a little beyond even tomboyish sorts like me with the ever popular and uber cool Hello Kitty motifs especially as show they are teamed up  with matching cute over the shoulder bag.
There's no denying it's...feminine.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Down our wood

It's been a week of the rain until the weekend that takes me away from it from as much as love being out of doors but the outdoor life is the one I prefer not least when it's so relaxing.

I'm fortunate this part of the North-west Midlands has lovely countryside even woods in walking distance I can just visit and just spent time just watching nature at its own more less hectic timescale and fields to watch and birds tractors pass.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Little and Middle footwear

Much of this is very much me, going back almost a decade in my exploration of what being an adult little means and how as one I'd present, the just above the knee skirt, the long just below the knees socks even the pink shows although I'm not high on super sugary dressing but platforms?
I think it would be harder for me to walk and balance in such shoes with my physical disabilities with something so bulky on my feet even if the refinement is obviously more Middle wear for things like parties and dancing.
Canvas soled footwear was very much a part of my childhood and for good number a part of their casual side later on in life but the Pastel Galaxy tennis shoes have a allure that's just for us being so cute and girlish

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Life (and why this blog is as it is)

After last week's past in present post, I felt like writing a bit more around what being this girl means and why it is this blog is the way it is.

Given this Covid thing we're going through has cut a hole through what normally would be happening around this part of the year, I feel it's a good idea to remind ourselves about it.
 I am somewhat more visual but in may respects this illustration sums a whole chunk of it up really well and in case you were curious some people can see "the music" in record grooves.

The first thing is we all dressed differently, showing that how we feel expressing our inner sense of being is different, I veer more toward the girl on the far left, others in this context might choose a party dress. It's all good!

We are all having fun, sharing chit-chat, sucking our Pop through straws. That sharing is what we do when at meets playing with each other and letting each other play individually with our dolls, stuffies and other toys. I am grateful my little/middle friends let me share things as it means a lot allowing us to build our friendships. 

There is music playing that we are sharing. It may be my home stereo component system is more technically 'better' than their phonograph, which I had a similar model when I was in my tweens but it is being used to share music, to enjoy it's playing so we have our records out.

That's the function of music in my life and there are 'places' I share it; it's not about the 'hifi', it's about the joy of listening to it which is why on this blog I do write about it, tossed in with the dolls, stuffies and other cute stuff.

There is also grown up supervision about keeping everything safe and ensuring we behave because it's easy for things to get out of hand and you mightn't see it and I sure don't!

The biggest thing in all of this is just innocuous fun!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Just being younger than my years me

As we enter a new month I thought I'd post something around what it means to me.

 This time of year reminds me so much of the largely unchanged way that I am no different in many ways around the ages of these children and even the fuzzy warm lack of focus of it might as well be a metaphor for both how I am and the prism I see things through.

Any of them could of been me and certain respects more mentally sharper and alert too.
Our world compared to today's was a good deal simpler for just reading, playing and watching tv more often than not together and communication was mainly face to face by phone with parental approval so we'd sure know about it if anyone had been mean.

  We read comics, often joining fan clubs whose paraphernalia come through the mail and talked about them during school recess  and in many ways that remains what I loved and within reason love to do even now cos in my head I'm still the same.
There times I love to explore more of the natural world  although the current Covid restrictions are something of a pain setting out how far from home we can go and the number of times you are allowed out even.

Water has always fascinated me.

I may be a girl but I do love model railway villages to the point there's a small one in the front garden, playing with it putting new trains on the track, buying the odd new building or domestic animal to put on it

However you wish to wrap this thing up, I'm really a child on the inside who needs to go out to play as that's our work.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Nap time

Nap times are important to me so to cuddle up to my stuffies really matters as it keep me happy and get the rest in so I can get things done.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Being 'there'

Sometimes you just might wonder why things happened the way they did.

That was one thought I was left with just listening to various people as they talked about their lives and experiences in completely random way with no real script or anything not that I usually do much of that and today I'm reflecting on something happened a few years ago.

I mean the only time I really talked much would of been the first week at my boarding school where Miss Howes asked me to speak about myself to the class, most of which had known each other for at least several months probably because of believing my family life was just so embarrassing with no real "small talk" and in part cos I felt much younger than most of the class.

It was kind of odd to feel able to share something that was actually about rather than of me and that was I had done something for the first time albeit with supervision.

I had managed to make cakes.

Truthfully the way things were at home, you might as well of put up "Keep Out" signs on the kitchen cos that was off limits when it came do doing anything at all like fixing a hot drink, a sandwich or whatever.

I'm not really sure how much it was fear of risks and how my perhaps of been subconsciously dealing with guilt by providing everything but what people might call 'life-skills'  where not things I knew as much as anything else no one had ever really taught me them. They just assumed I'd pick it up and duly noted "Does not".

Equally I was never expected to help out making meals even if you'd though for one thing I rather feel more a part of a family unit and actually it would help me which was  part of the reason why it the person I was staying with had me in the kitchen learning and actually doing with supervision and direct hands on assistance at times preparing vegetables for a cottage pie, sealing the minced meat and such like.

One of things they are helping with is learning to contribute directly and understand what sorts of things society expects you to when you're with people so I can co-operate better whereas to a large extent disengaging had been my norm.

That meal was the more tastier for having made a substantial contribution to its creation by labouring even with my limitations. 

In so  many ways then, that weekend was quite a important one for and the better for being shared with friends.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


How many littles are there out there?

You often hear it said "there's more than you might think" and certainly there have been places when it was obvious to me some one was even if they didn't realize it or engage quite so openly in expressing it.

I can remember the first time I discovered a works colleague I spent a few years working very closely who shared much of the same traits as I do skipping up and down the corridors like a couple of kids high on candy talking about our favourite cartoons, stuffies and so on even though we were super good workers and we had a caring male supervisor who was a bit more like school teacher to the two of us.

Equally sometimes we go online and find their are people who do share much of what we do who wouldn't see it that way being more an adult hobby or interest even if it may of started as a run on from their own childhood and it has a clear link to their sense of having an inner-child.

Sometimes it seems to me I see more littles away from what I'd call niche sites set up expressly for them in other communities where there is more around being more 'child-like', regression or other kinds of persona or even fursonas talking away about much the same thing as I an many others in our own unique way are doing while certain sites and even events may struggle.

In 2020 it is hard to escape all embracing social media be it all purpose such as Facebook or Tumblr (although I don't regard that a substitute for full on blogging) or adult sites such as Fetlife for making contact with others or even just knowing what's happening in your State or Province as that's where information is being increasingly posted although the public nature of it may not be ideal for anything personal and easily identifiable about you to be posted that may impact on family relationships or your employment.

One thing is for sure the World I encountered online in the early 2000's is very different than today's and places need to adapt to changed times.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Burrowing time

I don't know about you but I'm really taken with super cute things as well as plushies so what would happen if you mixed them?

Taking the rabbit theme your braids are in rabbits, your foot wear and your plushie as you sit licking your lollipop. I'd just love that!

While we await the reopening of more shops, people seem to be confusing terms like rules, guidance, legislation and law.

Laws set out by way of legislation what people may not do or may be permitted to do under certain circumstances and require legislation which itself is in accordance with the Constitution and comes from the State.

While setting out what it expects from people typically it allows for exemptions where it feels to have a blanket restriction would be unreasonable by adding phrases such as "where possible", "in exceptional circumstances..."  or "within reason".

Guidance within that suggests what exemptions may  be accepted so long as the general aims of the legislation are met and they exist because most things cannot be met by a "You can or you cannot" response and so require people to consider a situation and exercise judgement.

Acting against the legislation is actionable though legal action while going against guidance of itself is not so while a official may request face to face you comply so long as you do not breach that law or any other that is it. He can only fine, arrest or issue a summons so long as he has "The Power" under a specific act to do so.

Guidance is the simplified explanation of what it is a person is required or expected to do in most circumstances that derives from that and doesn't go into possible exemptions or it did, not into all the whys and wherefore of. 

In general you cannot be tried for breaches of any guidance only breaches of the actual legislation.

Rules as all of us who lived under them in boarding school might recall are the locally agreed conventions that may curtail things that are legal but of themselves rules are not enforceable in law by such means as court action provided another law hasn't been broken.

For instance not meeting a uniform requirement or if  not running own social media accounts is a condition of your contract being freely agreed and entered into then you could be said to be "in breach of contract" by not keeping to it.

If you don't like the rules of the Blogtown Tennis Club then you free to join or form another.